I generally only buy a newspaper once a week, I used to buy more but never got the time to read them. These days I get the Guardian on a Saturday it has enough to keep me going for a few weeks, its easy to read and not extreme in its views. Lots of different sections, I really like the Money and Work sections but my favourite is the Weekend magazine, I really enjoy the columns by Tim Dowling (god knows how his wife puts up with him or vice versa) and Lucy Mangan at the start, the 'What Women don't understand about Men' and until it's recent demise Stephen Fry's technology column, anyway I hear you say "Where does Q and A" fit into this? Well one of the sections they have is a Q and A of a famous (well not always) person. I thought it might be fun to answer the same questions (as honestly as I can in a public forum anyway) so here goes:
When were you happiest:
From a personal perspective now (I have all I ever wanted), from a work perpsective probably when I started at RIPE in Amsterdam.
What is your greatest fear:
Unhappiness for those I love. Premature death (sorry for the morbidness the rest of the answers are much more cheery)
What is your earliest memory:
Watching the men landing on the moon on the TV, which would make me 1, but then it could of been a repeat.
Which living person do you most admire and why:
Anybody who puts their own life/happiness on the line to make the world a better place.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself:
The ability I have to wind other people up without realising I am doing it.
What is the trait you most deplore in others:
Selfishness and Ignorance.
Aside from property whats the most expensive thing you have ever bought:
A car we bought nearly new in 1998 about 7,000 pounds I think.
What is your most treasured possesion:
My memories.
Where would you like to live:
I'm really happy to be back in the UK, but would love to spend some time in Australia and if I was super rich maybe a place on an island in the Indian Ocean.
What would your super power be:
The ability to learn and retain anything instantly.
What makes you depressed:
Death and hunger in the poor parts of the world.
Who would play you in the film of your life:
John Simm if he can do a Yorkshire accent.
What is your most unappealing habit:
Not putting the lid back on the shaving foam.
What is your favourite smell:
Freshly cooked good quality bread.
What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you:
Youve been made redundant (I'm sure there is something worse than this but its the only thing I could think of)
Cat or dog:
Cat, without a doubt, I like dogs too but they just don't compare.
What do you owe your parents:
My attitude and outlook on life.
What or who is the greatest love of your life:
My wife and kids :)
What was the best kiss of your life:
Le phonographique Leeds, November 1997, she knows who.
Have you ever said I love you and not meant it:
Definitley but I didn't know it at the time.
Which living person do you most despise and why:
I'm not really a despising kind of person, I never really give that much hatred much thought.
What is the worst job you've done:
First job when I left school, I was a mechanic working on trucks, it was cold, hard, dirty work and I only did it for 2 days. Potato picking was probably much harder work but I remember that fondly as I got on well with the people I was working with, its amazing how much of a difference that makes.
What has been your biggest disappointment:
At the time the breakup of my first marriage, and in particular the affect that had on the relationship with my kids, I'm kinda glad it happened now because of where it got me.
If you could edit your past what would you change:
Nothing without my past I wouldn't be where I am now.
If you could go back in time, where would you go:
December 25th 0000 Israel to see what all the fuss was about.
When did you last cry and why:
Reading the 999 transcript article in the Guardian the other week, there was a story about a woman who gave birth on her own while on the phone to 999, it was very powerful and moving.
How do you relax:
Watching films and TV generally, playing video games sometimes.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life:
A lottery win.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you:
Expect nothing, and be excited as you have no idea where you will be this time next year, life is a rollercoaster ride.
If you feel like it please reply with your answers I'd be very interested to see them.
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1 comment:
Woo hoo!! Happy New Year Brett!! what happened to the redheaded - and I mean RED HEADED - anarchist I loved and knew so well??? How bloody mature and endearing are you now??? God bless you Brett my dear friend...xxxxxxxxxxx
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